Monday, August 31, 2015

Summer 2015

Here is a group of pictures that capture this summer's activities. Not much went on as you can see but these kids so keep us busy and very happy.


Franny Turned 2!!! Oh! How we LOVE Her!

Took the boys (and Franny) out for the 4th of July!

At climbing camp, the kids got to participate in a Reptile Show!!! Creeepy!

Went to the Rodeo in Heber!

Hogle Zoo! 
Our dear cousin Asher Lybbert came with.

Can you see the tiger?

This is the Place is in the background.

Choo Choo Train!

Saul learned how to ride a bike!!!

Typical Saul crazy face!

Krispy Kreme. Need I say more.
Thank you Landon!

Franny was Franny!

She LOVES her cousin Rylan!

Once again no words. Don't worry, she is still alive.

Tired little Munchkin.

Make up time!

OOOh so pretty! 

Everyone went to the Dentist $$$$

Titus got his Tonsils out!!!

He was super excited BEFORE the surgery.

There he is, ready to go in!

After the surgery he did not do so well at first but after a bit of morphine he fell asleep for almost 2 hours!

When he woke up he felt A LOT better!!! Now he will need 2 whole weeks of no playing or rough housing. That wasn't too hart the first week because he was feeling pretty crummy. But the second week he felt much better so not being able to play rough and at the playground at school was pretty much torture. 

Saul started KINDERGARTEN!!!

And of course, how could we leave out...

Laura went with Zeb almost every week and sold. Claudia went several times and Mateo went a few times. I'm very glad their dad is teaching them so much!!!