Wednesday, January 21, 2009
New years resolutions!
Do you ever feel like every year you make the same darn resolutions. I do. The only difference is in the lose weight section of my resolutions, the number or amount of weight to lose gets bigger and bigger every year. That is the only variation. Sad huh? Well, pity parties aside, one of my goals this year is to graduate from college. Guess what! I'm doing it. I am taking my last class at BYU-I. When this class is over, I will have my bachelors degree in history. I know, I know big deal but it feels nice to have finished my degree even if it is on something I can do nothing with. Not like I was planning on doing something with a degree anyway, I'm soo busy with my kids etc... so I guess my degree served it's purpose. It gave me knowledge, knowledge which was fresh in my mind when I started, but which through the years and several pregnancies has diminished dramatically. Hey you can't have it all in this life right? Maybe once Zeb gets a permanent job teaching somewhere I can take classes for free and refresh my brain.
Christmas 2008
I better get some memories down about Christmas. It was our first Christmas all by ourselves. We moved in to this neighborhood on the 20th of December. When we got here everyone in our ward came to help unload the U-Hall. It was a huge 27' U-Hall. They had it unloaded in ONE hour. It was so nice. The Flora family in our Ward bought us pizza that night. The next day the Relief Society President brought us dinner. Very yummy. That night the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, no one was there but someone had left a box full of canned food, a box with oranges, potatoes and a Turkey, Christmas presents for each one of the kids and for me and, one for the whole family, and a fresh Christmas tree. It was AMAZING!!! We were very grateful. This ward is pretty incredible. We slowly but surely got the house in order. A day after Christ mas we went to my moms house in Provo for New Years. Welcome 2009!
A Very White Christmas!
Rexburg had a few snow storms during the Holidays. It has been pretty nice weather since then but here are a few pictures of how much snow we got.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Mateo goes to Primary
Mateo joined the Primary kids this January. He LOVES IT!!!! Nursery was hard for him for some reason but he is very outgoing and soo cute in Primary. This week he kept talking about a "green bean" . He kept saying things like "I'm a green bean" " I like green bean" etc . . . We finally figured out that what he meant to say was: I'm a SUNBEAM!!! Is that cute or what!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I was trying to change the background on the blog. When I finally got it changed, all my links to your blogs were gone!. Can you email me your blog address so I can put them back on? The infamous change did not even work right. Can you tell? =(
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Goodbye Spring Creek
Too much stress cannot be placed upon the importance of sharing your ideas with your friends. In Of Friendship (De amicitia), Cicero recounts an old saying common among the Romans: “If a man should ascend alone into heaven and behold clearly the structure of the universe and the beauty of the stars, there would be no pleasure for him in the awe-inspiring sight, which would have filled him with delight if he had had someone to whom he could describe what he had seen. Thus nature, loving nothing solitary, always strives for some sort of support, and man’s best support is a very dear friend” (De amicitia, 88).

We will miss Spring Creek. We will especcially miss living by Roxi, Ephraim, kids, Grandma and grandpa. I guess grandma and grandpa are gone on their mission anyway. They entered the MTC Monday Dec29. They fly to New Delhi, India on the 9th. But we will miss Rox, Eph, and their kids. We will also miss our nice house and most definatedly Lauras school. Her teacher Mrs. Kathy Mcleod was a blessing for Laurita. Here are some pictures to remind us of good old SC.
On The Road Again
Zeb and Daisy are on the move once more. But this time we are not only dragging an extra little Weeks, but the United States government is not paying a company to move our stuff for us. We got a 27' U-Hall and Zeb filled every little space of it. The day we moved was a very snowy one. Driving from Elko to Rexburg should take about 5 1/2 to 6 hours. It took us 8 hours. But hey, we made it safely. Good bye Spring Creek, hello Rexburg!
Mateo's Birthday
His birthday came right after we had a hurricane of cousins so, lucky for me he loves pizza. Travis was the only one who was able to come. Mateo is now officially potty trained. I kept waiting and waiting to potty train him for this reason or that reason and when I finally got around to doing it he was so ready that it only took about two days or so. Mateo is very Hilarious and since he now talks pretty clearly his funny reasoning cracks us up. I love three year olds.
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