Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sledding party

Laura's school celebrated the 100th day of school by having a big sledding party and drinking hot chocolate.  These are pictures from our living room window.  You cannot see her from these pictures.  A tree was covering her.  Cute.

1 comment:

Roxi and Ephraim's Family said...

hi laura its daphne! i just want to say hi to you guys. i was going to tell you that i made my own drawing up its called the ninga eggs they are realy funny! well that picture remids me and you guys sleding at my house together. i miss you and claudia and
mateo. i wish i was there! guess what we aregoing to lego land and the beach mabey at LasVegas or at California its going to be fun. its going to be the funnest!