Our little Saul was born: Thursday, April 22, 2010 at 10:22 pm. He weighed 7lbs 12 oz and was 19.5 inches long. He was born exactly two weeks early. My water broke at home around 5:00pm I started getting contractions around eight. I decided to have this baby NATURAL. This means no pain meds. Well, around 9:30 I was thinking to myself:" I am the biggest IDIOT on EARTH! Why am I doing this to myself? Give me DRUGS!!!" But of course it was too late. It was a very overwhelmingly painful but wonderful experience. I had a wonderful midwife and the nurses were very supportive. My midwife Helene let me labor however I wanted. She kept telling me that I was almost there and that I could do it! She said to listen to my body and that I would know when to push. I delivered on my hands and knees on the bed and I DID know exactly when to push! Birthing is an amazing thing. We love our baby and I am very grateful to my Heavenly Father for answering every one my prayers. Every one!!!!. I am indebted to Him.
Oh, he's so cute and teeny (as we say at our house). How wonderful for all of you. Well, except the all-natural part. I've never been brave enough to do that.
Darling!!! And Titus looks so BLONDE!! Are you getting sun in Idaho? Saul is darling! You have a BEAUTIFUL family with so much talent, too! Good for you and this "pioneer" birth!! Now you'll beat all the other labor stories at every dinner party for the rest of your life...well, unless I deliver in a cab or something. We love you! Big hugs to Baby Saul!!!
You look radiant, Daisy! Wow! Natural labor is the way to go, I guess! The kids look so happy too! What sweet pictures! There is nothing better than having a sweet fresh baby around. Saul looks beautiful. Congratulations! I'm glad you kept your cool too, and didn't let out the primeval scream! Ha!
Good job Daisy!
Thanks for posting pics of the cutie pie!! Saul Weeks is a solid name!! I think people live up to their names, so that means he's going to be a tough little sucker!! It sounds so tough!
Daisy you do look radiant!! You look so refreshed!! Way to go all natural Daisy!! I'm so proud of you guys and I can't believe you have five kiddos now. That just seems like so many kids, weird that it seems like so many! We went out to eat one day and a family with five kids was near by and it looked like they had a million kids!! It was so weird, it was only five but it seems you just don't see families of five or more out and about!
Congratulations! I am glad everything went good for you! Please call me if you need anything! We really need to get together when you recover.
Congratulations! Daisy you are amazing! I am so glad you and baby Saul are doing well! I've heard the recovery is much quickier when you don't have an epidural...You'll have to let me know if that's true! We can't wait to meet Saul and see you all again. We hope it's soon!
FELICITACIONES! He's beautiful just like the entire family!
Felicidades por su nuevo bebe! que experiencia tan maravillosa! son ustedes una familia muy hermosa, les quiero mucho.
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