Titus turned two years old on April 20th. His little brother Saul was born just two days after that so I did not even think to blog about his birthday. Since the purpose of our blog is not just to show off our kids but to record family events, I of course must mention this great and marvelous one!
Titus has blessed our lives in many ways. He is a very "active" child, and I don't mean in the church. He has brought a lot of laughter to our home because he is so funny and is always doing something crazy. He is starting to talk, which makes him even funnier because now we know what he is thinking. One of his favorite things to say is "pease mommy, pease" which he knows melts my heart and as a result usually gets what he wants. His favorite person is his sister Laura. She is like a second mom to him. He has gotten quite attached to her. I love that. I love him! We love him! Happy Birthday Sweetie pie !
Happy belated birthday Titus! You little cutie pie! Sorry we missed it!
Happy Birthday Titus!! We hear you are SUPER FUN and seems you would fit right in with your cousin Asher and Lily! They would love to have you to play with.
It looks like he has his boots already so he's ready for TEXAS!! We are going to have fun in the years to come. Titus and Ash will be the same age, or in the same grade, and Titus can come and ride every summer, so can all the kids, especially the boys. They will all be so close in age--Mateo, Titus and Saul!! HOW FUN!! I am so glad Asher is going to have those great boys to play with him in the years to come!! Thanks for still having kids so mine can have cousins their age!!
Happy Birthday Titus! You are so old! I'm sure you are a good big brother to Saul.
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