Monday, June 23, 2008

Laura and Titus

Laura is going to be an amazing mother!!! She has a way with Titus. Whenever "Tidy", that's Titus' nickname, starts crying and won't stop I ask Laura if she wants to hold him. If she says yes I jump for joy because she can make him fall asleep in two seconds. It is wonderful to have her she is my Great Little Helper.


Felipe and Erika said...

what darling pix, Titus is getting so big!

amy k said...

So sweet! What a great little quality also.

Felipe and Erika said...

Amy we are up too late! It was so fun to see you on Monday! It had been TOO LONG!

Z. Marie said...

Oh, how cute! Everyone needs such a great little helper!

Em J. said...

Titus is darling! He looks so comfortable with Laura! He also looks a lot like Claudia to me.

Em J. said...

Titus is darling! He looks so comfortable with Laura! He also looks a lot like Claudia to me.