We love the Birthday boy! He requested pie instead of cake. I made him Blackberry pie and Apple pie. I think he was pretty happy. The kids planned out the whole day for him. They wrote the whole schedule down and made sure we followed every minute of it. It was very cute!!!
How could Zeb request pie when I just saw your amazing cakes? The pies look amazing too. I guess he can't go wrong? The pies look delicious (and I know how much work they are)!!! It sounds like you guys had a good time though! Happy Birthday Zebby!!!
Wow Dais! You are ambitious! Pies and cakes? I made homemade cookies the other day and it had been a LONG time. I gave one to Asher and he said, "What's this?" HA!! I about fell over. It actually made me kind of sad because I realized I don't bake. I wish I did more of it. My poor family. I think family feels important when you bake for them, so mine is missing out on that. Look how special Zeb feels!! Two pies for his birthday! You are great!
And great work on the cake, it looked very professional!
I won't show Asher the picture of Mateo because he'll get ideas! But I'm sure Claudia had a blast. That's quite the art work!
And I can't believe little Titus. What a cutie. I wish I could see them more often. I think Asher would have a great time with Mateo and Titus! He's be in heaven.
The girls look precious! YOu need to put a video up of Laura playing the piano, oh, and of you too, Dais!!
Happy Birthday Zebbie. We hope we get to see a post about the birthday girl in a few days!!
What?! You can't stop making cookies! You're the queen of chocolate chip/oatmeal and I want some for my birthday!! Maybe it's just your pregnant hormones talking and you'll be fine later in May!! I'll email you the chocolate chip secret if you promise not to spread it around! Got your voicemail! Glad you guys enjoyed it and hope you were able to go out! Much love to all the kids!
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