This is the only part of my body which might look athletic at this point in my life. Yes, I dislocated my elbow. I cannot remember how I did it, all I remember is that for about a week I lived with horrible pain in my arm. I thought I had just hurt a muscle or something, so I did not go to the doctor. I did not want to go in and then just have the Dr. say: " Yep! You hurt your muscle, don't use your arm for a bit, that will be $50 bucks thank you very much!" I remember last Tuesday going on a two hour walk pushing a stroller, then going to a back to school activity at the park with the kids for three hours and then having to cut my Visiting Teaching visit short because I thought I was going to pass out. I came home and threw up! It was not a pretty picture. I kept taking Ibuprofen and finally yesterday I said NO MORE and went in. I am glad I did because I don't think this would have fixed itself.
The doctor "fixed it" although it still hurts like crazy. He said that if it is not "much better" by Thursday (that's tomorrow) to come back and see him for X-Rays. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow because If it still feels like today I might have to go back in.
I tell you, It is hard being an athlete. Like my doctor said: "If you have five kids you ARE an athlete!!! I think I will retire soon.
You poor thing! I dislocated my elbow in a horseback riding accident years ago. My arm was locked straight, though, and had to be bent the wrong way to reset it. Thank goodness yours wasn't -- although I guess that would have forced you to go to the doctor sooner.
Daisy...OUCH!!!! Oh my goodness. I can't imagine having that kind of pain and taking care of FIVE kiddos. Yes, it has got to be hard to be that kind of athlete! Retirement sounds really nice!! I hope you get feeling better SOON!
You've been a blogging fool! I haven't been on top of it! But I'm glad you posted some pics from Jake's wedding, even though you missed the bride and groom. Oh well, they were all cute pics anyway.
I also love the pics of Zeb and Saul. Saul is one little cutie! I wish so badly I could see him! Zeb is looking a lot like my Uncle Mike, at least in that picture!
And the girls are beautiful as always! That's great you know their teachers so well and live in such a nice place. I'm scared for my kids to hit that age.
Go Mateo on learning to read!!!
Oh yeah, I am so jealous the girls are wearing sweaters! OH, I wish! We are still above 100 everyday and clear until the late evening.
Oh my gosh Daisy! I have been talking on the phone with you and everything! I didn't know you were in so much pain! You are so tough!!!
I would have been screaming about that to everyone I know. It is definitely athletic to be a mama! I like your doctor! I hope he can help you get that fixed. Dang! That has got to hurt! I'm sorry Daisy.
The kids are getting so big!! Mateo especially looked so handsome and old at Jake's wedding!! Hope your arm is feeling better!! I've been sicker than a dog...I'm miserable but hoping it all just lasts the first trimester! I don't know what I'll do if it keeps on going. ;) Just hoping for the best. Talk to you soon!
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