Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Funniets Claudia

Claudia has the funniest mind. I was reading a book of discourses by Boyd K. Packer. Claudia saw his picture in the front and asked: "Who is that?" I said: "It is Boyd K. Packer, an apostle". She gave me an intersting look and said: "A puzzle, like daddy's puzzles?" She is quite a character.


Kascia and Travis Lybbert said...

So cutesie!! I love those little girls, Mateo too! And I can't believe it, it's really happening. You're moving to Spring Creek!! YAHOO!! That's also hilarious that the ladies at church forgot to tell you about your shower. Cute!

Felipe and Erika said...

how cute! we can't wait to see you all in 3 short weeks!