For those of you who did not know I was pregnant well... I am =) We had our ultrasound this Thursday. Everything is fine with baby so far and as you can see in the picture. IT'S A BOY! We are very excited and the battle for names has already begun. It is much harder for us to name boys than girls. I don't know why. We had the girls names picked out early in the pregnancy. They felt right and there were no problems. But the boys! My goodness! We can't seem to decide until the very last minute. Is this normal?
It's normal if we're any indication. It's amazing Owen has a name at all.
Another boy will be so fun for all of you!
YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you all! Didn't Zeb want a boy? You guys are Korrin's family, opposite!
Hey, and we are the opposite of you. We have the hardest times with girl names. I can think of tons of boy names I like but not girl names. I think it has to do with me being a girl. I always think, no I would hate to have that name, I can't name my baby that!! But I don't feel that same connection when it is a boy.
Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Oh, thank you for the great music! I'm so glad you have Selena's music on your blog!!!!! I'm listening to that right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So good!!
AHHHHH!!!!! Congratulations you guys! We are SO happy for you! Can't wait to meet the newest Weeks baby :) Love you all!
Congratulations on a healthy baby boy:) We can't wait to see you guys at Christmas.
That is great news! We are super excited for you. Hopefully we will get to see you soon and Laura can show off her piano playing! Maybe she will get my kids excited about it! We had a hard time with boys names, too. Good luck, sometimes I think it helps to see the baby first anyways. That always helped us decide.
Merry Christmas!
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